Easily integrate and send notification emails from:
Definitely quick and easy - this is our default setting.
Just enter a subject line for your emails, such as 'ACH Transaction from ABC Company' - and you're done!
Emails are automatically sent, whether you're using a simple Outlook installation, or if used in conjunction with Microsoft Exchange Server.
Not using Outlook, not a problem - just enter your name and Gmail credentials
The balance of the settings are all pre-configured - such as server name, port number and SMTPS-TLS settings.
Ok, you don't have either Outlook or Gmail - not a problem. Let us know and we'll host your email transmission for you.
Contact our support, and they'll send you a password which will automatically configure all of your settings. You'll just need to enter your name, email and subject line.
Are you a techie and want to send directly from your SMTP server? We provide you full access to all of the settings you'll need to connect to any SMTP server.
Outlook and Gmail users - all of your emails are automatically saved for future reference.
If you're on a different platform, you can simply BCC yourself from the email setup wizard.
While the default message body ain' t shabby - feel free to customize it. Add your contact information and any other text that would be appropriate for you.
You can create a separate message for debits and for credits.