Limit access to authorized users.
Manage access either by Windows Active Directory (Windows Login ID), or from within ACH Universal - create login ID's to display challenge screen.
ACH Universal can run on a desktop database (Microsoft Jet Engine), SQL Express or SQL Server.
While each database has it's advantages and disadvantages, Microsoft SQL Server provides the 'Gold Standard' of security. It can be easily integrated into Active Directory, and managed with familiar tools such as Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
Treasury Software includes a copy of the SQL Express database engine for free when you license that platform.
Provides two levels of security:
Tracks all imported and transmitted ACH transactions.
Filter records by Excel-style filtering - and export to Excel and csv files.
Record level reports
Transmittal and Import level reports
Whether you need to encrypt the file, or encrypt the 'tunnel', ACH Universal can help.
ACH Universal can encrypt files in AES-128 and 256, and has a built in FTP client to transmit via SSL (Secured Socket Layers).
Need to exchange certificates with your bank? ACH Universal has an interface to industry standard WS_FTP to help transmit the file seamlessly.
Transmit to your bank in FTP-SSH (requires ACH Universal Advanced edition).
Assign rights to individual functions, such as importing, file creation and administration.